Počet hodin výuky
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Představuje počet hodin jak přímé výuky (výuka s lektorem online, hybridně či prezenčně), tak nepřímé výuky (samostudium, video, exkurze atp.).

Domácí úkoly
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Počet hodin na domácí úkoly. Rozsah domácích úkolů se uvádí zvlášť a nepočítá se do ceny kurzu.

Úroveň pokročilosti
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Nedotovaná cena kurzu
Info text

Pro podnikající osoby a firmy poskytujeme kurzy za plnou nedotovanou cenu.

Dotovaná cena kurzu



Doplňující informace
Data Science Foundations in Python

About the course

Výuka probíhá v angličtině

The course will be held in English.

Data science combines principles from statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, aiming to extract valuable information and discover patterns in data.

This course builds on the Introduction to Data Science course and provides the essential foundation that every data scientist needs, preparing you for further advanced learning in the field. Through real-world examples, you'll learn to select appropriate methods to solve different problems, understand how they work, and apply them effectively.

Python, known for its versatility and efficiency in data manipulation, plays an important role in data science. You'll learn to formulate hypotheses, test them statistically and understand the principles of regression. You'll also learn the basics of machine learning, understanding classification, text analysis, clustering and visualisation techniques to effectively present your findings.

This course is part of the Data & AI Scientist learning path.

Who is this course for?


Did you take Introduction to Data Science course? Good! If not, be aware the following knowledge is required for this course:

  • Basic knowledge of statistical methods and concepts essential for data analysis (mean, median, variance, standard deviation, normal distribution).
  • Basics of Python (variables, operators, conditions, loops).
  • Very basic knowledge of Data Manipulation Libraries such as pandas.
  • Awareness of fundamental machine learning concepts and techniques, even if not in-depth.
  • English Proficiency: Ability to read, write, and communicate effectively in English, as the course will be conducted in English.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Know how to prepare and pre-process data,
  • have the skills for feature engineering,
  • be familiar with regression models, clustering and classification,
  • have a broad understanding of machine learning principles, 
  • be able to interpret and evaluate the quality of prediction models,
  • be able to implement models in Python using core libraries such as pandas or scikit-learn.

Course content

  • Python Basics for Data Science
  • Data Exploration and Descriptive Statistics
  • Regression and Classification Techniques
  • Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
  • Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
  • Model Evaluation and Validation
  • Advanced Topics in Data Science

❗️Please note that the first and last lecture will be given in person in Prague. Except for the first and last lecture, all lectures will be held online.

How do you finish the course?

You will receive a certificate, if you:

  • meet the attendance requirements – attend at least 9 of 11 lectures,
    • the first and last lecture will be given in person in Prague and both lectures are compulsory;
  • submit the homework assignments.


Related courses

This course is part of the Data & AI Scientist career learning path.

Dotovaná cena kurzu je určena fyzickým osobám nepodnikajícím (nefakturujícím na IČ). Nedotovaná cena platí pro fyzické osoby podnikajicí (OSVČ - fakturující na IČ) nebo pro právnické osoby (firmy, instituce).

Otevřené termíny

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Tento kurz není dostupný, nebo ti nevyhovuje termín?
Nastav si upozornění do e-mailu a my ti dáme vědět hned, jakmile nový termín kurzu přidáme.


Šimon Podhajský
Jiří Pešík
Martin Koryťák
Adéla Kostelecká
Tomáš Jirsík


Staňte se partnerem tohoto kurzu. Dejte nám vědět.